Sunday, June 10, 2012

Hi, Y'all!!!

(written by Heidi) I wrote this following post a while ago... wow, way back in early March maybe??? It was while I was missing home/Iowa. It was while I was looking forward to spring break back in Iowa. It was before I had what is called a LEEP procedure done to remove pre-cancerous cells from my cervix. It is a relatively quick out-patient procedure that I was only under a local anesthetic for. People at the doctor's office were so nice and caring, but it still seemed like a bit of a "regular" or "usual" thing for them there. One nurse, who said that she had had the procedure done 17 years ago, said this would most likely take care of things as it had for her. But I have to be rechecked every six months for two years. But the word "cancer" was looming... and could still be, I suppose. All clear for now.

So, I have two things for you:
1. Women, get a yearly pap smear. Right along with your mamogram (if you are of that "once a year" age). Maybe insurance doesn't pay for it... try to pay for it. I had gone two years between exams. What if I had waited until that third year? I dunno...
 2. God will do things through us if we let Him. Let Him show his love through you. It is amazing.

Okay... three things and the third thing is the most important thing and if you only remember one thing, this is it: He loves you and His promises will come true.

Here's my post from some time ago. ---

"Y'all"... I already had the habit of saying that before we moved farther south. (I blame my high school band director who used the term often.)  There will be none of the accent slipping into this voice if I can help it, though. So, it is safe to conclude that I am still very much an Iowa Girl going through growing and changing pains. It is nice here in Kentucky, but it is not Iowa. There are no HyVee's here (with their awesome doughnuts!)... no Hawkeyes vs. Cyclones just down the road... no Snookies Ice Cream shop to get a doggie cone... no Hamburg Inn... no Hickory Park... no Living History Farms... no Iowa Cubs... there are no playgrounds in every neighborhood... there are very few public pools in our area... (now my list is getting nitty-gritty).

I do have to say, though, that we overall like it here. We think we are going to be just fine here, but there are just things we wish we could go back to and people and places that we miss. (Yes, I am in reality-land... I realize this is a process and takes time. With all the times we have moved, I have concluded that it takes about two years before you feel completely settled in a new home setting. Just keep reading and going along with me for the moment. :-) It makes for a better blog post.)

We kind of feel like we are Iowans not adjusted for this place called Kentucky.

Just like we are all not made for this current earth. When Adam and Eve hit the scene (before the apple tasting incident) earth was perfect. THAT is what God had in mind. THAT is what we were made for. THAT is why when crap happens here it is so discomforting and dismaying. But we chose free will... and the earth will not be the same until God comes back to make it right. So, in the meantime we have to deal with the adversities and atrocities... all due to us choosing the knowledge of good and evil.

Dealing with adversities and atrocities... watching others deal with adversities and atrocities... it can almost be too much, can't it? Cancer, loneliness, pain, hunger, natural disasters, bankruptcy, dealing with the fallen life we have created for ourselves, telemarketing calls (sorry, just had two in the last 1/2 hour and had to include that on the list)... it can be overwhelming, crushing. Your mind can fill so quickly with questions, hopelessness, fear... How do we keep hope in our hearts and our head held high?

We can try and blame God for making things this way... but He didn't. We can try to do and be right in God's eyes, try to make things better and right... but we are just not strong enough.

There's no checklist to make it to heaven. Only Jesus can take you there. There is no way we have the strength to make the world perfect again. Only God is strong enough to make that happen. There is something bigger going on that we cannot even imagine. We have to have faith that God is bigger than ALL of that (which He is) and He will take care of it (which He will). And we have to live in this faith to keep going... to strive to live the life He wishes for us. To be the light and salt of the earth to love one another as He loves us. To share this love to make heaven a VERY crowded place!

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