Sunday, November 6, 2011

Our God is BIG!

Written by Heidi. We really value the church we go to here in West Des Moines. We receive God's word here, worship here, serve here, and, to be honest, we have fun here. (Like our pastor always says - and we agree - there is no party like a Jesus party!) We have made connections here... even connections as intimate as our small group which really makes us feel blessed... here.

Moving, then, seemed a bit daunting and intimidating. There were a couple of times in the past where we considered moving and it was a bit overwhelming and quite scary.(Derek's two jobs here in Des Moines have been doozies... but that is a whole 'notha story!) We really worried about finding the right fit for us as far as a community, activities, friends, and a church.

This time seems different. Gone is the worrying about all things surrounding the move. (We are trying to keep in check the worrying about the transition from Derek's business here... again, a doozy of a situation.) But gone is the dread of trying to learn a new place, new faces and names, finding doctors and dentists... Gone is the sadness of leaving our church... here.

Then there was yesterday's church service. Our church is in the middle of a giving campaign. It is an exciting time here with the vision of our church aiming to become a 50/50 church. (Offerings then become divided 50/50... 50 percent going toward missions and 50 percent going toward ministries.) We are really feeling God leading this church to literally spread more exponentially the everlasting love of Jesus Christ and reach those who come to this church, or any church, and then those who have not yet heard the Good News. It is a joyful purpose that will become reality and that is truly very exciting!

So, we ponder where we fit in with this. We are here only through November. It's not like we are going to ignore what is happening here... in fact, the opposite is true. We will remain very interested and thrilled to continue to pray for the incredible things that will happen through the people of God's church here. We will help the boys fill their coin banks to help them do their part to support the spread of Jesus' love.

Then, there was this passage read in the service:
Matthew 28: 16-20 Then the eleven disciples left for Galilee, going to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshipped him - but some of them doubted! Jesus came and told his disciples, "I have been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these nerw disciples to obey the commands I have given to you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

As we look at Louisville, then, we see possibilites. I can honestly say that I don't feel like I am being called to some grand mission by going there... but I do feel excited. And I feel happy that we will be challenged to find the things God has in store for us there. This will include (and center upon) God and our family. That is how we based our decision to move, too... and it seems to be good stuff! (God lets us know that it will be!) We can really carry over the ethusiasm from this giving campaign and keep it in our lives for the place to come!

This is the Big Bat outside the Louisville Slugger Museum and Factory. It is nice to be able to park downtown and you can spot the bat a few blocks away so you know that you are in the area and can find your way there.

Here are the guys next to the bat about ready to go in.
This is God's world. We can worship Him, serve Him, and have community with
His people wherever we are.
He will be there with us... even to the end of the age.

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